Company Secretary and Compliance Officer ("For Investors Grievances") |
Chief Investor Relation Officer |
Mrs. Pratibha Aggarwal (Company Secretary) Mr. Ankit Jain (Compliance Officer – SEBI LODR) Plot no. C - 4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi -110017, India Telephone: +91 11 2653 0266 Fax: +91 11 2652 2000 / 2685 4000 Investor Grievance E-mail: यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. |
Shri Alin Roy Choudhury
Registrar & Transfer Agent ("For Investors Grievances") |
Nodal Officer- Investor Education and Provident Fund (IEPF) |
Alankit Assignments Limited |
Mrs. Pratibha Aggarwal (Company Secretary)
Authorized KMP for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and making disclosures to the Stock Exchange: |
Chairman & Managing Director |
Director (Finance) |
Director (Works) |
Director (Projects) |